Helping Good People Get Better
Performance Metrics
In order to improve any business process you must have a measure against which to gauge progress. All too often data is captured for the sake of information and is rarely used. We believe that companies should focus on a few fundamental key performance indicators (KPIs) and use the information to drive improvements. Below are a two examples we use with our clients. We also tailor KPIs along with reporting based on your needs.
- On Time Shipping Performance - One of the most fundamental KPI's is measuring how frequently you ship your customers products on time. Our Shipping Performance application uses factual information to calculate your on time performance and categorize the reasons shipments were late.
- Production Efficiency - How close to your established standards are you producing your products? We have reporting that measures actual reported time vs. your standards.
Breaking The Inventory Profit DamHow accurate and efficient is your inventory? Read our white paper to learn more. Optimized Fleet RoutingImprove your delivery performance and efficiency. Read more to find out how! |